Publications in Binary analysis/rewriting
- [1] Scalable, Sound, and Accurate Jump Table Analysis
- Huan Nguyen, Soumyakant Priyadarshan and R. Sekar
ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA) October, 2024.
- [2] Accurate Disassembly of Complex Binaries Without Use of Compiler Metadata
- Soumyakant Priyadarshan, Huan Nguyen and R. Sekar
ACM Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS) February, 2024.
- [3] SAFER: Efficient and Error-Tolerant Binary Instrumentation
- Soumyakant Priyadarshan, Huan Nguyen, Rohit Chouhan and R. Sekar
USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security) August, 2023.
- [4] Practical Fine-Grained Binary Code Randomization
- Soumyakant Priyadarshan, Huan Nguyen and R. Sekar
Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC) December, 2020. (Talk on YouTube).
- [5] On the Impact of Exception Handling Compatibility on Binary Instrumentation
- Soumyakant Priyadarshan, Huan Nguyen and R. Sekar
Workshop on Forming an Ecosystem Around Software Transformation (FEAST) November, 2020.
- [6] A Study of Binary Instrumentation Techniques
- Soumyakant Priyadarshan
Research Proficiency Report (Stony Brook University) August, 2019.
- [7] Protecting COTS Binaries from Disclosure-guided Code Reuse Attacks
- Mingwei Zhang, Michalis Polychronakis and R. Sekar
Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC) December, 2017.
- [8] Function Interface Analysis: A Principled Approach for Function Recognition in COTS Binaries
- Rui Qiao and R. Sekar
Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN) June, 2017. (Supercedes SECLAB16-05, May 2016).
- [9] Memory corruption mitigation via hardening and testing
- Laszlo Szekeres
PhD Dissertation (Stony Brook University) May, 2017.
- [10] NORAX: Enabling Execute-Only Memory for COTS Binaries on AArch64
- Yaohui Chen, Dongli Zhang, Ruowen Wang, Rui Qiao, Ahmed Azab, Long Lu, Hayawardh Vijayakumar and Wenbo Shen
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (IEEE S&P) May, 2017.
- [11] Function Recovery for COTS Binaries
- Rui Qiao
PhD Dissertation (Stony Brook University) May, 2017.
- [12] Extracting Instruction Semantics Via Symbolic Execution of Code Generators
- Niranjan Hasabnis and R. Sekar
ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE) November, 2016.
- [13] Lifting Assembly to Intermediate Representation: A Novel Approach Leveraging Compilers
- Niranjan Hasabnis and R. Sekar
ACM Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS) April, 2016.
- [14] Squeezing the Dynamic Loader For Fun And Profit
- Mingwei Zhang and R. Sekar
Technical Report (TR) December, 2015.
- [15] Code and Control Flow Integrity for COTS binaries: An Effective Defense Against Real-World ROP Attacks
- Mingwei Zhang and R. Sekar
Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC) December, 2015.
- [16] A Principled Approach for ROP Defense
- Rui Qiao, Mingwei Zhang and R. Sekar
Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC) December, 2015.
- [17] Static Binary Instrumentation with Applications to COTS Software Security
- Mingwei Zhang
PhD Dissertation (Stony Brook University) August, 2015.
- [18] Automatic Synthesis of Instruction Set Semantics
- Niranjan Hasabnis
PhD Dissertation (Stony Brook University) July, 2015.
- [19] Automatic Generation of Assembly to IR Translators Using Compilers
- Niranjan Hasabnis and R. Sekar
Workshop on Architectural and Microarchitectural Support for Binary Translation (AMAS-BT) February, 2015.
- [20] Checking Correctness of Code Generator Architecture Specifications
- Niranjan Hasabnis, Rui Qiao and R. Sekar
ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO) February, 2015.
- [21] Towards More Usable Information Flow Policies for Contemporary Operating Systems
- Wai-Kit Sze, Bhuvan Mital and R. Sekar
ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies (SACMAT) June, 2014. Honorable mention for Best paper.
- [22] Comprehensive Integrity Protection for Desktop Linux (Demo)
- Wai-Kit Sze and R. Sekar
ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies (SACMAT) June, 2014.
- [23] Eternal War in Memory
- Laszlo Szekeres, Mathias Payer, Tao Wei and R. Sekar
IEEE Security and Privacy Magazine (S&P Magazine) May, 2014.
- [24] A Platform for Secure Static Binary Instrumentation
- Mingwei Zhang, Rui Qiao, Niranjan Hasabnis and R. Sekar
Virtual Execution Environments (VEE) March, 2014.
- [25] A Portable User-Level Approach for System-wide Integrity Protection
- Wai-Kit Sze and R. Sekar
Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC) December, 2013.
- [26] Control Flow Integrity for COTS Binaries
- Mingwei Zhang and R. Sekar
USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security) August, 2013. Best paper award!.
- [27] SoK: Eternal War in Memory
- Laszlo Szekeres, Mathias Payer, Tao Wei and Dawn Song
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (IEEE S&P) May, 2013.
- [28] Protecting Function Pointers in Binary
- Chao Zhang, Tao Wei, Zhaofeng Chen, Lei Duan, Stephen McCamant and Laszlo Szekeres
ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS) May, 2013.
- [29] Practical Control Flow Integrity and Randomization for Binary Executables
- Chao Zhang, Tao Wei, Zhaofeng Chen, Lei Duan, Laszlo Szekeres, Stephen McCamant, Dawn Song and Wei Zou
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (IEEE S&P) May, 2013.
- [30] A Practical Technique for Containment of Untrusted Plug-ins
- Prateek Saxena, R. Sekar, Mithun Iyer and Varun Puranik
Technical Report (TR) August, 2008.
- [31] On the Limits of Information Flow Techniques for Malware Analysis and Containment
- Lorenzo Cavallaro, Prateek Saxena and R. Sekar
Detection of Intrusions, Malware and Vulnerability Analysis (DIMVA) July, 2008. (Supercedes SECLAB07-03, November 2007).
- [32] Efficient Fine-Grained Binary Instrumentation with Applications to Taint-Tracking
- Prateek Saxena, R. Sekar and Varun Puranik
ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO) April, 2008.
- [33] Static Binary Analysis And Transformation For Sandboxing Untrusted Plugins
- Prateek Saxena
Master's Thesis (Stony Brook University) August, 2007.
- [34] SELF: a Transparent Security Extension for ELF Binaries
- Daniel DuVarney, V.N. Venkatakrishnan and Sandeep Bhatkar
New Security Paradigms Workshop (NSPW) August, 2003.
- [35] Address Obfuscation: An Efficient Approach to Combat a Broad Range of Memory Error Exploits
- Sandeep Bhatkar, Daniel DuVarney and R. Sekar
USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security) August, 2003.
- [36] Empowering mobile code using expressive security policies
- V.N. Venkatakrishnan, Ram Peri and R. Sekar
New Security Paradigms Workshop (NSPW) September, 2002.